Synapse is based in a sci-fi landscape but the emotional journey and delivery were so compellingly gripping!Review of Synapse by Manny Popoca8Review of SynapseManny PopocaI'm funny, I'm cool, mainly I'm a geek at heart! Follow Twitter: @MannysPlace Web-Site: FollowFollowingUnfollow52FollowersOfficial Movie Trailer:
Synapse - In the near future the biggest drug in the world is....memories. Why be stuck in your everyday mundane life when you can escape your world to become someone else for just that moment. Just like any other drug there are drawbacks and severe consequences if abused.......
Synapse The a memory.Synapse, the movie is the story of a man who finds his memories so scrambled he doesn't know who the hell he is anymore. Is he an agent trying to bring down an illegal drug operation, is he a man who's looking for the truth behind flashing images of a life with a wife and child.......or is he a drug dealer that is running from those trying to kill him for his secrets in his head. Could he be all of these people in one mind or is he something entirely different?!
Joshua AlbaSynapse is a true thrill-a-minute ride that flowed very quickly without ever giving the audience a moment to think about anything else but the non-stop action on screen. The story of Synapse is based in a sci-fi landscape but the emotional journey and delivery were so compellingly gripping.
Superbly developed characters you should love each and every one. From the first time we meet our two leading men Adam Simon and Charlie Boon (more on these two great talents in a bit) to the rest of the very talented cast. The next presence to literally dominate the screen is Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Henry Simmons (Agent) . His role is brief in the film but you can understand why his "Mack" was made a featured role on the Marvel Agents TV show.
Will RubioThe main cast is rounded out by comedian and YouTube video host Will Rubio (Freddy), Joshua Alba (Frank McDavitt) and Sophina Brown (Aamina). Will Rubio makes a great first appearance on the screen with a hilarious character he has used in his routines before but quickly changes to his real on-screen persona to reveal he's not just your average movie comic relief. Joshua Alba (who is brother to Jessica Alba) does a stand up job also with a tough task of taking a drug dealer and making him a more human compelling man.
Sophina BrownAs the story begins to unfold its many ripples the next character takes full command of the screen with her presence, is Shark and Numbers TV star Sophina Brown. Brown, who is given very high praise by the rest of the actors as they call her "the glue of the acting cast," as she showed them all how to be a truly gracious professional. Sophina Brown is one of the best acting talents in the business and she shows it during her stellar performance with her bad mother@$&ing self!
Then we have Willie James Warren Jr. (Agent 917) and Emre Koc (Agent 801) who help track down our confused leading man. James Warren Jr. was a cool as ice bad guy that you love to hate, while Emre Koc, who played an eccentric foreign agent that had me rolling with laughter with his over the top character.
The two stars of the movie are undoubtedly Charlie Boon (Agent 702) who is Hollywood's next major bad guy but with acting range! Along with Synapse screenwriter/actor Adam Simon who was equally as strong throughout the entire film.
Charley Boon should be Hollywood's next leading bad guy!Charley Boon plays 'Agent 702' in one of the coolest bad guy roles I've seen in awhile, which oddly enough makes you want to root for him, or cheer against him. Eventually you can also see there is a whole lot more to this agents backstory when the Synapse Trilogy will be complete. I cannot see how Charley Boon doesn't get more major Hollywood bad-guy roles from this movie. Every time I seen Agent 702 on screen I kept thinking of bad guys like Arnold in the first Terminator movie or new acting sensation Frank Grillo (AKA - Crossbones) from Captain America Winter Soldier fame.
Adam Simon plays Frank or Nathan depending on the scene. Adam has the monumental task of delivering a multi-personality character in a lead role. If that's not scary enough, Adam also wrote the script for Synapse. Adam Simon has so many hats in this film it's an absolute pleasure to watch him handle so many suspenseful moments along with so much thrilling action. Action so intense that it sent Simon to the emergency room a few time doing his own stunts.
Trilogy? That's right! Speaking with Adam Simon (actor/screenwriter) he had this to say about his movie.
Adam Simon - "Synapse was always meant to be a trilogy with a prequel and a sequel"That is great to know that more of the Synapse world will be explored and hopefully with more backing to the budget. Budget to film Synapse was only made with little money and when you see the film you'll wonder how the hell a movie.....even an indie movie this friggin good could have been made with such a shoe-string budget. The reason the movie was even made at all can be summed up in one word. PASSION! Synapse is an indie film two years in the making from conception to its eventual screening premiere at this years Bruce Campbell Horror Film Festival. Even Bruce Campbell himself was taken back a bit when I mentioned Synapse to be in horror fest.
Manny: "Synapse is a sci-fi movie in a group of horror movies, will the horror fest be changed to a film festival?"
Bruce Campbell - "We'll have to wait and see. My judges don't pick any stinkers"During the Q&A with cast and crew of Synapse after the movies screening was a great delight to hear all the inside scoops of how this outstanding sci-fi thriller was made. One of the questions I got to ask the Director of the movie Kenlon Clark, was, how much of the filming was shot out of sequence? To everyone's astonishment Kenlon told us the entire movie was shot out of sequence. To me that's was a major accomplishment once you see the astounding amount of cutting and fast moving sequences there were to keep track of. When Kenlon answered my question I told him 'the editing gets major props,' to which then the whole theater clapped and cheered him for his efforts.
Adam Simon and Joshua AlbaYou could try and compare Synapse to Total Recall (either version) but it's not even close when it comes to the twist and turns that are explained and also not explained so far in the Synapse world. I would say Synapse gives more of an homage to films like Total Recall but it is nothing like those movie. Synapse is pure adrenaline rush throughout with sprinkles of deeply concerning father and family issues. The stories and emotional rage of every single character on screen make them all compelling to say the least.
To be a fair critic I always have to try to find faults in a piece but the critic is not always right. I Did not like the 3/4 perspective drone shots used in the film. I understand they wanted to show more of the city landscape background but to me it didn't flow just right with the film. There were some extremely high birds-eye-views shots straight down on the city that worked better, but the 3/4 ones need to be slowed down to give it a better effect. The one thing that kills any indie film or major motion picture for that matter is bad dialogue. I only found one piece of cheesy dialogue that could have been cut from this film. Otherwise the entire package was a spectacular roller coaster rider from start to finish with a gratifying ending with a yearning to still know more.
Synapse Movie poster by; Rob PriorA West Coast Red Carpet Premier will be held at Los Angeles Center Studios on Wednesday, September 16th at 7 pm.
The tiny indie film that could, did! And they DID it big time as well!! I give Synapse a rating of 8.0 out of 10. I can see every single actors careers growing exponentially after the release of Synapse!
Synapse: Movie Review from Wizard World Bruce Campbell Film/Horror Festival
Review posted on September 11th, 2015 at 12:49am ⋅ Last edit on September 11th, 2015RecommendFacebookTwitter Topics
Synapse - In the near future the biggest drug in the world is....memories. Why be stuck in your everyday mundane life when you can escape your world to become someone else for just that moment. Just like any other drug there are drawbacks and severe consequences if abused.......
Synapse The a memory.Synapse, the movie is the story of a man who finds his memories so scrambled he doesn't know who the hell he is anymore. Is he an agent trying to bring down an illegal drug operation, is he a man who's looking for the truth behind flashing images of a life with a wife and child.......or is he a drug dealer that is running from those trying to kill him for his secrets in his head. Could he be all of these people in one mind or is he something entirely different?!
Joshua AlbaSynapse is a true thrill-a-minute ride that flowed very quickly without ever giving the audience a moment to think about anything else but the non-stop action on screen. The story of Synapse is based in a sci-fi landscape but the emotional journey and delivery were so compellingly gripping.
Superbly developed characters you should love each and every one. From the first time we meet our two leading men Adam Simon and Charlie Boon (more on these two great talents in a bit) to the rest of the very talented cast. The next presence to literally dominate the screen is Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. star Henry Simmons (Agent) . His role is brief in the film but you can understand why his "Mack" was made a featured role on the Marvel Agents TV show.
Will RubioThe main cast is rounded out by comedian and YouTube video host Will Rubio (Freddy), Joshua Alba (Frank McDavitt) and Sophina Brown (Aamina). Will Rubio makes a great first appearance on the screen with a hilarious character he has used in his routines before but quickly changes to his real on-screen persona to reveal he's not just your average movie comic relief. Joshua Alba (who is brother to Jessica Alba) does a stand up job also with a tough task of taking a drug dealer and making him a more human compelling man.
Sophina BrownAs the story begins to unfold its many ripples the next character takes full command of the screen with her presence, is Shark and Numbers TV star Sophina Brown. Brown, who is given very high praise by the rest of the actors as they call her "the glue of the acting cast," as she showed them all how to be a truly gracious professional. Sophina Brown is one of the best acting talents in the business and she shows it during her stellar performance with her bad mother@$&ing self!
Then we have Willie James Warren Jr. (Agent 917) and Emre Koc (Agent 801) who help track down our confused leading man. James Warren Jr. was a cool as ice bad guy that you love to hate, while Emre Koc, who played an eccentric foreign agent that had me rolling with laughter with his over the top character.
The two stars of the movie are undoubtedly Charlie Boon (Agent 702) who is Hollywood's next major bad guy but with acting range! Along with Synapse screenwriter/actor Adam Simon who was equally as strong throughout the entire film.
Charley Boon should be Hollywood's next leading bad guy!Charley Boon plays 'Agent 702' in one of the coolest bad guy roles I've seen in awhile, which oddly enough makes you want to root for him, or cheer against him. Eventually you can also see there is a whole lot more to this agents backstory when the Synapse Trilogy will be complete. I cannot see how Charley Boon doesn't get more major Hollywood bad-guy roles from this movie. Every time I seen Agent 702 on screen I kept thinking of bad guys like Arnold in the first Terminator movie or new acting sensation Frank Grillo (AKA - Crossbones) from Captain America Winter Soldier fame.
Adam Simon plays Frank or Nathan depending on the scene. Adam has the monumental task of delivering a multi-personality character in a lead role. If that's not scary enough, Adam also wrote the script for Synapse. Adam Simon has so many hats in this film it's an absolute pleasure to watch him handle so many suspenseful moments along with so much thrilling action. Action so intense that it sent Simon to the emergency room a few time doing his own stunts.
Trilogy? That's right! Speaking with Adam Simon (actor/screenwriter) he had this to say about his movie.
Adam Simon - "Synapse was always meant to be a trilogy with a prequel and a sequel"That is great to know that more of the Synapse world will be explored and hopefully with more backing to the budget. Budget to film Synapse was only made with little money and when you see the film you'll wonder how the hell a movie.....even an indie movie this friggin good could have been made with such a shoe-string budget. The reason the movie was even made at all can be summed up in one word. PASSION! Synapse is an indie film two years in the making from conception to its eventual screening premiere at this years Bruce Campbell Horror Film Festival. Even Bruce Campbell himself was taken back a bit when I mentioned Synapse to be in horror fest.
Manny: "Synapse is a sci-fi movie in a group of horror movies, will the horror fest be changed to a film festival?"
Bruce Campbell - "We'll have to wait and see. My judges don't pick any stinkers"During the Q&A with cast and crew of Synapse after the movies screening was a great delight to hear all the inside scoops of how this outstanding sci-fi thriller was made. One of the questions I got to ask the Director of the movie Kenlon Clark, was, how much of the filming was shot out of sequence? To everyone's astonishment Kenlon told us the entire movie was shot out of sequence. To me that's was a major accomplishment once you see the astounding amount of cutting and fast moving sequences there were to keep track of. When Kenlon answered my question I told him 'the editing gets major props,' to which then the whole theater clapped and cheered him for his efforts.
Adam Simon and Joshua AlbaYou could try and compare Synapse to Total Recall (either version) but it's not even close when it comes to the twist and turns that are explained and also not explained so far in the Synapse world. I would say Synapse gives more of an homage to films like Total Recall but it is nothing like those movie. Synapse is pure adrenaline rush throughout with sprinkles of deeply concerning father and family issues. The stories and emotional rage of every single character on screen make them all compelling to say the least.
To be a fair critic I always have to try to find faults in a piece but the critic is not always right. I Did not like the 3/4 perspective drone shots used in the film. I understand they wanted to show more of the city landscape background but to me it didn't flow just right with the film. There were some extremely high birds-eye-views shots straight down on the city that worked better, but the 3/4 ones need to be slowed down to give it a better effect. The one thing that kills any indie film or major motion picture for that matter is bad dialogue. I only found one piece of cheesy dialogue that could have been cut from this film. Otherwise the entire package was a spectacular roller coaster rider from start to finish with a gratifying ending with a yearning to still know more.
Synapse Movie poster by; Rob PriorA West Coast Red Carpet Premier will be held at Los Angeles Center Studios on Wednesday, September 16th at 7 pm.
The tiny indie film that could, did! And they DID it big time as well!! I give Synapse a rating of 8.0 out of 10. I can see every single actors careers growing exponentially after the release of Synapse!
Synapse: Movie Review from Wizard World Bruce Campbell Film/Horror Festival
Review posted on September 11th, 2015 at 12:49am ⋅ Last edit on September 11th, 2015RecommendFacebookTwitter Topics